Disc prolapse is a common condition affecting all ages and both sexes. The affected person will have pain in the back or neck. The pain may run down the arm in case of disc prolapse of neck and the thigh in case of prolapse in the low back.
This is because the nerve is compressed by the prolapsed disc. The treatment if medicines don’t stop the pain is surgery. Various modalities of surgical procedures are available. Micro lumbar discectomy is the latest of these.
Through a miniature incision, the affected level is localised with an image intensifier and the nerve is seen with the operating microscope and the compression is relieved. As there is magnification, even small filaments of nerve are visualised and therefore injury to nerve is avoided.
The procedure takes not more than a few minutes. There is no injury to any structures and is safe operation. The patient could walk in one day and will be discharged on the second day. More than 750 operations have been performed by Dr. Krishna Kumar in the last few years with excellent success rate.
The operation is done in the state of the art operation theatre using special equipments known as image intensifier and operating microscope. This is the most advanced of all surgeries available for disc prolapse.
Live demonstration of Micro discectomy
by Prof. Suresh Bapu R. Kandallu, M.S. M.Ch., Consultant Brain & Spine surgeon of Apollo Speciality hospital Chennai on 06th December 2009